Bad Ideas
- Teaching people that certain tools are much more generally applicable than they really are
- Not asking when you think you are worth much more than you are getting
- Not saying "I don't know", when you don't know
- Accepting developer ignorance as reasonable and treating unnecessary tool ecosystems as sane
- Non-composable GUI components
- Keeping silent when witnessing wrongdoing
- Relying on text-based conversations
- Narrative solvers: Narrations implemented as a constraint language with stories as predicates and narratives as the path of solvers
- An inconvenience store
- Not conversing with someone who doesn't speak your language
- A hash function where all hashes are prime numbers
- Not realizing that boredom is a function of creativity
- Postdiction
- Software craftsmanship
- Wasting time trying investors before the market fit
- Reading what the authors said in a research paper rather than reading what they didn't say
- Reading news
- Not using contracts
- A no vowel language
- Using the computer more than a pen & paper
- Not adhering to 1 tech stack, 1 library, 1 version control, and 1 programming language
- Believing you are not normal
- More than four co-founders
- Thinking in time rather than causality
- Working on someone's crappy idea when you have your own crappy idea to work on
- Formalizing processes
- An automatic shaver that uses the sound of hair hitting the blades independent of depth setting
- Steaming videos
- Job titles
- Thinking that if something offers a low return, it must be safe
- Caffeinated tofu
- Spending time on your phone
- Placing feedback loops in wrong places
- Performing a sociology monologue at a security conference
- A Kickstarter distributing average donation back to every donor
- Staying with the company even after a founder leaves
- Choosing hype over your style
- Forgetting the zero arbitrage principle
- Autonomous self-driving vending machines
- Disagreeing with people on social media
- An AI tool to predict what you would have written if you didn't have writer's block
- Implementing a language too soon
- CEO folding the job of a CTO into his own
- Making every whitespace in your text to spawn a separate thread to access a random website
- A podcast that provides serious and well-thought-out answers to stupid questions
- Multi cursor text editor
- Overlooking a corollary to a theorem
- Forgetting to revoke credentials before firing
- A co-recursive algorithm that creates a textual description of frames of videos it watches to resynthesize the video from that description
- Complicated business models
- A Ph.D. thesis titled Acknowledgements that's a book-length acknowledgments section thanking people
- CTO and a VP of Engineering with overlapping functional roles
- Letting your ego lie to you that people around you cannot meaningfully alter your character
- Two foot pedals: one for bold and one for italic
- Forgetting a company's capability to work against its own interests
- Outsourcing a problem you don't understand
- Distorted text that resembles a QR code when seen from a distance
- Equating internship to no experience
- Assuming startups have a sane interviewing process
- Not appreciating the fact that salespeople and development people are different
- Training Alexa on the logs of your conversations with Siri
- Rushing to the market with a product you don't feel is ready
- Thinking the interviews you passed or failed amount to something
- Software features with no workflows designed around them
- Thinking that inspiration is worth more than consistency
- Replacing each word with another with the largest distance but smallest edit distance in the word-vector space
- Not living closer to work
- A moon emoji that renders the actual phase the moon is in
- Rearranging frames of a movie by average color and brightness and then playing it
- A RasPi seedbox connected to your pelvis that tries to connect to every open network
- A book containing no nouns
- Blaming users
- API as an afterthought of the business process
- IPFS powered network clipboard
- Paying attention to people's words than their actions